Authentic Deal-Making Authentic Leadership Deal-Driven Growth

Genius Visionary Deal-Making

Krishna Mohan is an entrepreneur, business coach, speaker, and number one best-selling author. You may have seen him on Fox TV or other media outlets. He’s the president of Genius Visionary, and specializes in scaling businesses by doubling their revenues within 18 months. Manufacturing, telecom, data centers and more: Krishna has worked in many industries and truly understands business!

Early Deal-Making with Krishna Mohan

An early deal of interest that Krishna remembers involved an IT company. It had been founded and had a strong client base, but the owners weren’t especially active. They weren’t clear on the value of the client base they had built, and were thinking of simply closing the business rather than selling it!

Sensing an opportunity, Krishna stepped in. After asking how they planned to leverage their clientele and contracts, he suggested they do one of two things. Either hire him to maximize their options, or let the business go by selling it to him.

They sold it, and within two years Krishna turned it into a million dollar company. He attributes this to his business acumen and his ability to create profit and opportunity.

One thing he reminds listeners: You don’t know where the deal is going to come from. It is vital to keep your eyes open and be watching for options!

For example, there are thousands of companies in the IT space. Which ones are worth considering acquiring? Which ones are just a dime-a-dozen that might not be worth investing in? Krishna has seen that smaller companies often do well in their niche, but they don’t always see as clearly how to scale and grow.

When you understand the value of the service a small company provides and can look ahead to consider how that might be leveraged in greater ways, you have the potential of finding a gold mine. Krishna shares that you have to be able to look for a wide range of options.

Career Building Moves

Krishan shares that he dreamt of becoming a doctor when he was a boy. As a teenager, however, he realized he was much more interested in the money and opportunities to be found in business. This propelled him into the SAAS space, and then into corporate industries. 

He has worked in management and sales positions in a variety of private and government industries, but he found that there was always something that bothered him. Bureaucracy, being a “needle in a haystack”, and red tape were pretty typical in large businesses. As a result, he pivoted into smaller businesses, hoping to find something more. Although this was more satisfying, Krishna eventually realized that the natural progression of his career seemed to be leading towards entrepreneurship.

After founding a tech company that he went on to sell for over seven figures, Krishna founded Genius Visionary. His work here was based on patterns and problems he was noticing in the industry. The solution for the problems he found? Genius Visionary! Now, the company provides everything from group and DIY business coaching to financing assistance and acquisition advice.

Passively Looking for Deals All the Time

Krishna says he is passively looking for deals at all times. 

From products he sells to businesses he works with, he’s always looking for potential. He’s asking himself questions like: Where could this go? How could this be leveraged? What opportunities are hidden within this?

He tries to sense how business is going, and what’s happening behind the scenes. As he interacts with business owners, he seeks to understand why they are in business and what they are trying to accomplish.

After years in the game, he feels he can “sense” when an opportunity is ripe.

One thing that plays a role: looking for motivated sellers. If the owner doesn’t want to exit, then the deal isn’t going to happen. Whatever their WHY might be….you have to be able to find it and communicate to them in order to navigate a deal you’ll both benefit from.

Mapping Accounts to Increase Deal-Making Potential

Krishna recommends always mapping accounts. You must understand who is involved, what is happening within the account, and what potential an account has for expansion. Also, know what goals the account holder has, as well as what goals your business/organization has for the account.

This allows you to know how you can achieve success. This is success for every business and person involved. For example, building additional projects and services out of existing accounts increases profits and grows your business. 

Having a high-awareness of an account’s needs and potentials also enables you to “speak their language”. When you do this, you build trust and likability, both of which are key to growth and future deal-making. This is key, because it’s not all about dollars and cents. People need to see that you care, that you understand their business, and that you have their best interest in mind.

Genius Visionary Deal-Making

Krishna knows how to preach value in ways that companies understand. Doing this allows him to get in the door and start creating value. 

Creating these opportunities is key. If you want to grow your business, make deals, or improve your business, you have to get clear about your purpose and start looking to find the options available to you.

There is no “ready to go” deal. It’s never that simple! There will always be behind-the-scenes work necessary to get people to the point of being ready for a deal. By being prepared and expecting deals to happen, you can pave the way towards successful deals. 

Smaller companies are often ripe for deal-making! Why? Well, for one reason, 85% of businesses do not qualify for traditional lending. This happens for several reasons, but ultimately means that non-traditional funding and creative deal-making is necessary in the business space!

Listen in to hear more about the difference between using your FICO score for financing your business, versus building business credit! Krishna offers great advice on using credit options like this to open doors to growth.

Krishna notes that his company, Genius Visionary, works hard to help companies prepare for success on a variety of levels. This includes small group advising, DIY business coaching, financial advice, and more. By building strong foundations, businesses can better equip themselves for growth and deal-making. This is a strong position that enables expansion beyond what many small business owners dream of!

Listen in to learn more about credit, debt, and growth!

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast..

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal-Ready Assessment today!

Authentic Business Relationships Authentic Deal-Making Authentic Negotiating

Leverage Your Intellectual Property

It might be hard to believe, but there was a time when people had to source knowledge without the help of Google and Wikipedia. There was a market for almost every kind of niche information, but there were not enough publishers to meet the demand. Bill Cates stumbled upon an opportunity where he could fill that need and he found himself in the publishing industry almost overnight.

Deals in the Publishing Industry

Bill’s publishing companies produced highly-specified cookbooks and humor books, and he encountered many types of deals while distributing them. Licensing was a major part of Bill’s revenue. He licensed content to cookware manufacturers that wanted marketing collateral for their products. He also paid for branding rights and created product-specific content for the masses. Very few authors take advantage of those types of deals, but it is important to acknowledge that you need to get creative with licensing to reap the benefits.

Licensing offers the greatest payout over time and Bill sees it as a foolproof, sustainable way to protect your nut. Licenses work continually for you, they have zero cost of sale, and they require minimal time. When Bill got out of the publishing industry and became a professional speaker, he put his training video content to work. Today, he is still generating income by licensing that content to different organizations across the country.

Intellectual property is valuable and it is an asset that you don’t want to give away for free. Business models that are built around speakers can fall apart if the speaker is unable to travel or perform. The income Bill sees from content licensing ensures he will live comfortably if anything unfortunate were to happen. It enables him to bring his expertise to clients in a way that is more affordable and accessible. That is why Bill recommends being proactive in leveraging your IP assets.


No matter what industry or discipline you are in, you have expertise that other people don’t have. There are a lot of ways to get your knowledge out to the masses, but Bill recommends using a combination of strategies that include monetizing your IP. Leveraging what you already have in place is a much more reliable process. It will generate recurring revenue and grow your brand with comparatively minimal effort.

Listen to the Fueling Deals podcast episode featuring Bill Cates’ interview about how to Leverage Your Intellectual Property.

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal- Ready Assessment today!

Authentic Deal-Making

Corporate Therapy

Dr. Rachel Headley is the type of person who always wants to dive into the next project, and she has never been content in stagnant situations where her skills and processes aren’t being pushed to their limits. That said, entrepreneurship is kind of a double-edged sword. But the type of work Dr. Headley’s company focuses on is in alignment with her need to tackle new challenges regularly.

People-First Solutions in the Workplace

Rose Group International helps people work, by providing companies with organizational efficiency coaching and training to address challenges around teamwork, productivity, time management, and retention. Dr. Headley was inspired after she identified a major disconnect between executives and their employees and knew that there was a solution. With Rose Group International, she examines the organizational deficiencies on a case-by-case basis and tailors a solution that will help her clients achieve their aspirations and transformational goals.

People are the main culprit when a company is experiencing inefficiencies, but it is often addressed by leadership in the wrong way. M&As and other types of deals provide a window into the abyss because productivity usually tanks in these types of deals. Different types of deals have a major impact on the employees because executives generally do not approach them in a way that allows their people to thrive.

Visualizing Employee Traits to Create a Strategy

You can draft the best legal agreement or integration plan in the world, but if the people are unable to work together it is not going to yield the desired results. This is where Headley comes in and her process starts by understanding how the people work. Her first step is to identify the different personality types including fixers, stabilizers, organizers, and independents. Headley assesses all of an organization’s employees so leaders can start to understand who is on their team, who is going to pose a challenge, and the strategies that need to be developed to get different types of employees on board.

Once you understand how people are going to react to change, it enables you to form a strategic plan to roll out your deal to the rest of the organization. It doesn’t have to be utter chaos, and that is why getting Dr. Headley involved sooner than later will only help smooth out the transition. This type of coaching and training is much more effective as a preventative measure than a restorative measure, but it will help either way.

Leverage Your Employees During Periods of Change

Whether it is an internal reorg or restructuring a marketing plan, a lot of CEOs are willing to roll over and accept that it is going to suck for a few years instead of taking the initiative to tackle the problem right away. Dr. Headley and her team come in and help employees adjust to these organizational changes and thrive in ways that you haven’t seen before. If you can get everyone on board with change the effects are powerful because it enables employees to enter an innovation stage, where hesitations are overcome and creativity flourishes. The same change that was a force of destruction becomes an agent of growth, and the company will benefit drastically in the long run.

Dr. Headley developed this assessment to reflect who your people are in a way that is actually relevant to your decision making. The whole point is to problem-solve with your people in a way that no one else does. Change doesn’t have to be hard or take a long time and once you give people a toolkit that works, they will take it and run with it.

Listen to Dr. Headley’s interview in the Fueling Deals episode.

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal- Ready Assessment today!