Authentic Business Relationships Authentic Deal-Making Authentic Negotiating Deal-Driven Growth

Deal-Driven Growth

Stephen Woessner is the founder and CEO of Predictive ROI, host of the Onward Nation podcast, a digital marketing authority, speaker, educator, and bestselling author of two books. He comes from a long lineage of business owners, and the early exposure to entrepreneurship primed him to follow a similar path. After serving in the Air Force for four years, Stephen landed a job with an advertising agency in La Crosse, WI where he became a partner in just three years. There, he honed his craft in digital marketing and devoted his energy to understanding how business owners think, act, and achieve.

Predictive ROI

Predictive ROI has always operated as a digital marketing agency, but over the last ten years, it has transformed into something entirely unique. Predictive’s core services were built to help business owners identify financial opportunities and hemorrhages in the digital space. But recently, Stephen and his team have added podcasting to their service line. Now, Predictive ROI helps business owners build their thought leadership through podcasting and supplementary content, so they can monetize that content with courses, workshops, events, sponsorships, and a variety of other opportunities.

Inorganic Growth in the Agency World

While Predictive ROI’s client base continues to grow organically, the agency is finally at a point where the world of strategic partnerships and acquisitions is finally opening up to them. It means Stephen and the leadership team at Predictive can look into different plays such as acquiring a software company that will increase their analytics capabilities; possibly even absorbing smaller agencies in different verticals with client rosters that are strategically advantageous. But if you are considering inorganic growth as an option, there are a lot of indicators you should be watching to determine if it is the right move.

Will it help you hit your revenue goals within your current timeline?

Are you making the right acquisition or is there a better alternative?

Stephen shares advice for navigating this process in the latest episode of Fueling Deals.

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal- Ready Assessment today!

Authentic Deal-Making Authentic Leadership

Dealmaker DNA: Identifying Your Internal Body Work

n every Fueling Deals episode, I talk about different types of deals to cover a full spectrum of large scale mergers and acquisitions and smaller deals you can do without significant capital. You know by now that there are a lot of myths surrounding your ability to do deals from a company point of view, but there is also a lot of misconceptions surrounding your ability to do deals on a personal level. Who is a dealmaker and who isn’t? What defines a dealmaker?

At its core, I believe that a dealmaker is someone who is willing to learn – and it really is that simple. This antiquated idea of the door-to-door salesman type who is always greasing palms and lubing deals is no longer effective (if it ever really was). In this day and age, authenticity, transparency, and coming from a positive place where you can make an impact is the new gold standard, but risk-taking is still an extremely important trait.

The Decision to Start Doing Deals

The difference is that if you are an entrepreneur, you’ve likely already taken a risk and embraced this trait to the fullest extent. There is risk in every deal and likewise, there is risk for every company that opens its doors. Business owners are already risk-takers and they constantly take ownership of the consequences of their decisions, so the only entrepreneurs not doing deals are the ones who haven’t decided to do so.

All of your decisions are just decisions. There are processes you have to learn if you haven’t done something before, there are resources you need to put in place, mistakes you’re going to make—it’s the same thing with deals because there is just another learning curve and something you haven’t done before. Every skill that you need to do deals are the same skills you need to run a business, so if you learn the landscape, the industry, the available opportunities, and make a decision, you’re going through the same steps you use on a frequent basis.

Identifying Your Internal Body of Work

Like anything else, you can start small, build your skill level and increase the size of your deals as you get better, but to accomplish this you have to disconnect from your limiting beliefs by addressing an internal body of work. At whatever point in your career that takes place, you must look at what is coming up internally and preventing you from doing deals do accelerate inorganic growth.

The first thing to do is to identify the internal gap to see exactly what steps must be taken to get where you want to be. Whether it is fear, insecurity, lack of confidence, or anything else, identifying the internal work clarifies that gap and allows you to see the roadmap to move forward. In this solocast episode of Fueling Deals, I share a collection of insights that shed light on how you might be excluding yourself from the dealmaker’s table and how to break through and become a dealmaker.

Click here to listen to the episode, and visit for more informative episodes on how to grow your business inorganically through deals.

Corey Kupfer is an expert strategist, negotiator and dealmaker. He has more than 35 years of professional deal-making and negotiating experience. Corey is a successful entrepreneur, attorney, consultant, author and professional speaker who is passionate about deal-driven growth. He is also the creator and host of the DealQuest Podcast.

If you want to find out how deal-ready you are, take the Deal- Ready Assessment today!