
Apply to be on a DealQuest
Laser Deal-Making Session today!

Corey Kupfer is a deal-driven growth

On the DealQuest Podcast, host Corey Kupfer regularly takes listeners behind the scenes with some of the world's most fascinating, deal-savvy business leaders. From deal-driven growth, negotiations, and the power of deals - the DealQuest Podcast covers it all! With a laser deal-making session, you can now take your experience one step further.

These sessions are allowing us to add a powerful new type of episode. Aspiring deal-makers on their deal-driven growth journeys will get live assistance with their current deal-making challenges or opportunities.

Do you have deal-related questions? Would you benefit from strategic support in your deal-driven growth journey?

You can apply below to be on the show. Being chosen for a laser deal-making session will mean getting a chance to talk with Corey 1-1 about your deal-driven growth question. In addition, there is a possibility of having your interview featured on the DealQuest Podcast!

No matter what size your business currently is, how many deals you’ve completed (if any), or what type of business you have, Corey is excited to address your specific deal-making questions. His goals is to help you leverage the power of deals within your industry.

Ready? Get started below!