

DealQuest has all the tools you need to
benefit from deal-ready growth!

Corey Kupfer is a deal-driven growth

Expand Your Vision & Tap Unseen Opportunities

Have you ever wondered why other companies seem to grow by leaps and bounds, and yet you seem to be working so hard for every incremental step forward?

Maybe they’re using the power of deal-driven growth!

If you’re ready to transform your business and expand beyond all limitations, DealQuest is truly your hub for professional insights, programs, tools, networking and inspiration.


Everything at DealQuest has one aim:

To help you strategize, prepare for, find, and complete deals in order to 
grow your company faster.


Founded by Corey Kupfer, the acclaimed thought-leader on deal-driven growth, DealQuest is home to:

  • The DealQuest Podcast – Featuring interviews with the world’s most fascinating, deal-making business leaders.
  • DealDen Calls – These calls are business, deal and opportunity focused and are ideal for entrepreneurs, high-level executives and business leaders looking to accelerate their business growth.
  • The DealQuest Blog – For the latest tips on finding, structuring and negotiating deals that will stand the test of time.
  • Deal-driven growth and Negotiating Workshops & Speaking Events – All workshop and speaking engagements are tailored specifically for your company’s needs.

  • And coming soon:

  • Entrepreneurial Freedom Course – An online course helping entrepreneurs get freedom from the day-to-day requirements of their business so that they can focus on deal-driven growth, create enterprise value and monetize that value upon exit.
  • DealQuest Programs and Retreats – For those who want to take their deal-making skills to a higher level and dive deeper into the opportunities of deal-driven growth.
  • DealQuest Mastermind Groups – For elite leaders to put their skills into action while bonding with and gaining access to the wisdom of peers; includes personal access to Corey as you creatively and successfully pursue explosive growth.

Why wait even one more day?

You can find out right now if YOU have the skills of an authentic negotiator!

How deal-ready are you?

Take our assessment to discover your negotiation strengths and to learn if you need to do some tough inner-work to make a real impact on your success!
Laser Deal-Making Session
Corey has the ability to combine practical, experience-based negotiating wisdom, with a deep understanding of the internal work required for authentic success.

-John Assaraf
CEO of NeurogymAuthor of Having it All and The Answer